"The glory of God is man fully alive." - St. Irenaeus
In the past this blog has been hardly more than some philosophical musings that were connected by the idea of planting a foothold as a man in this modern world. The idea of returning to our roots from the past that are so deeply buried in the soil of distraction that they are having a hard time finding the aquifer of hard work, ingenuity, integrity, and manliness that we so desperately need to flourish as rock solid pillars of warriorship in our modern society.
Instead of continuing on in this manner of quasi motivational, that are somewhat mired in my own life's distractions, blog post after blog post I propose a quest. Not just any quest but an Epic Quest that will take a significant personal journey. I, and a couple other men that I am lucky enough to call brothers, are going to start this journey. We will look to change our daily mindset and to start a revolution in this world that we toil, commune, and live in. The idea is that the quest will really never be completed but rather a life long commitment. Really it will be a process of distinguishing how to approach each day with the mindset of a warrior with the hope that slowly those daily habits will start to form and will become as normal as breathing.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." J.R.R. Tolkien
Here is the deal... often times in life we make decisions that we cannot understand the butterfly effect until far into the future. I know when I reflect on my past that most of those times for me were decisions to not take action that cause me the most pain. Some opportunities come our way and we know that we cannot let them go... we have heard about the girl who got away, right? Well I didn't let mine get away, and I don't want to sleep on the idea of creating a warrior class for this generation that can live, lead, and standout in our modern society. I do not think I can afford to for my spirit.
A year-long journey within a lifelong quest is our idea of how to start distinguishing some of the discernible qualities of warriorship and to map out a path to start living life like a warrior. Like the warriors in the clip I do not want to look back 15 plus years from now with a son on the verge of making his own marks on the world and regret my effort to lead him and others in the right direction.
I will be honest... I had a great deal of trepidation leading up to this post. I realized the magnitude and the accountability of putting ideas of this nature into words for others to read. I had told the other two men that are joining me on this journey that I would post almost two weeks ago and I could not seem to get myself in the right state of mind to produce in words what my heart and spirit are feeling. I realized though that was part of this whole quest. To realize what a Warrior Ethos for a Modern World looks like, and that in the beginning I would doubtably be able to materialize exactly the intention of this quest. Why not now? Better than tomorrow. Better than five more excuses and two more weeks from now. It starts now.
"The question is... What HE intended us to be when HE made us." - C.S. Lewis
The three of us embarking on this quest come from somewhat similar but different backgrounds. We are all at different points in our lives, different ages, different family situations, different interests, and different immediate goals. The greatest thing, of which I have written on this blog before, is that we have the same end of the game goal in mind. Regardless of where you are spiritually, physically, or mentally and regardless of what you do currently in this life you can still approach it with a warrior mindset based on the right principles. We are Men and we crave the same basic things in life. This is not relegated to one age, race, station in life, or personal interest this is for all Men.
We are going to start documenting our weekly progression of our pursuit to change our habits spiritually, mentally, and physically. Each one of us will post a blog weekly about the prior week and our effort to become warriors. We will discuss together what is working for each of us and what is not working. You will see some of us transform physically and all of us spiritually.
Mixed in will hopefully be some podcasts and some videos of us doing man stuff to compliment the warrior lifestyle.
I believe that the hope is when the dust settles in a year that we will have the confidence and courage to be leaders of men.
As we progress through the weeks and months we will begin to shape the meaning of modern warriorship.
Let's roll, on the Journey of a Lifetime...